The celebrated South Indian classical dancer and film actress Rajasulochana, who was a popular name in Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, Kannada and Malayalam movies during the 50s and 60s, has breathed her last in Chennai today morning. She was 77 and was suffering from serious renal problems. The Vijayawada-born actress debuted in Kannada film Gunasagari in 1953.
She featured in more than 250 films throughout her life in all south Indian languages and acted with superstars like M.G. Ramachandran, Sivaji Ganesan, N.T. Rama Rao, Nageswara Rao and Rajkumar. Though her work inPennarasi helped her win a respectable position in the Tamil film industry, she shot to fame with her role in the 1958 film Thai Pirandhal Vazhi Pirakkum.
But her primary passion remained in dancing. Rajasulochana set up a dance school, which is now looked after by her students. She had a warm and cheerful personality, according to her friend Randor Guy, despite suffering from severe health problems. Rajasulochana has left behind her son Shyam Sundar and daughters Sree and Devi. The cremation will take place at the Besant Nagar crematorium at 1.30pm on March 6.
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